We are working to get lucky by the tail, here for thousands of years. And we even catch how much to take to her house. For this, every nation has its own methods: the various magical talisman or amulet wore the actual relics stored in a room or family from becoming and appropriate.What luck?
1. Horseshoe

The most popular mascots that brought luck, happiness and success. Just because a home is lucky, such a mascot, but a person Finder. Yes, Yes, Yes, the Horseshoe must not purchase, so go find it, and only in this case, it will be this charm that brings happiness.
2. Four leaf clover
3. Icon
The Guardian and mascot of this " religion "doesn't work" if there is no faith in your heart. But how to get an icon mascot, you need to decide, separately, ' cause you the boss for himself and his family. Best vintage icons, in writing a tree. Also, you only get that, but not necessarily in the holy temple. So buy the best Holy Monastery. This prayer is also important because there will be a special prayer for each other this designed the correct symbols st.
4. Safety pins
This is a simple matter, that it occurred almost every thread with gift box, bring good luck. Really here, as it is an icon, it doesn't matter, this topic is just to buy it, but use it correctly. The most common clothing pin Needle "the evil eye", true, here, has its own nuances. Pin must first pierce him three times in seven minutes over an open fire to a new candle, Church candle and put the needle with the flat surface. If you put it on top, three pinch of flour, a pinch of salt and pinch of red pepper three, leaving, night so. A safety pin ready in the morning. But still it's something to consider and not every pin up dress. For example, the needle cannot comprehend girls pants, this indigenous women's clothing. Also, the one thing, which the Guardian should be made to this pin, made from natural ingredients. Also to monitor a safety pin was there, hidden from prying eyes so often this pin seams. This pin can be stored on and home, but in this case, it should be uncovered and fixed point down.
5. Elephant figurine.
This symbol, luck came to us, India and China. See elephant trinket a special value on the philosophy of Feng Shui is considered, that helps steer and achieve compliance, the energy of life in the right direction. A long Elephant Trunk rack in your closet to get luck and prosperity to your home that will contribute to enrichment of family capital.
6. It's a tattoo.
Not in vain, in many cultures, these tattoos adorn the body. It is his fate you are able to symbols that can affect human skin. But very important here not to get a tattoo to get right, has a reverse effect. The picture the most common human-totem, must not only bring good luck, but to protect its owner. Depicted on a symbol of think should be taken seriously because it is a powerful energy that all people can withstand, a dragon or a tiger, sometimes a little chichewa will be a much more efficient talisman.
7. Ladybird.

All the bugs I love this kids, the perfect mascot. Listening to yourself and even how much the image of the good luck and positive emotions. Also, here is an important number of black spots on the back – more powerful mascot.
8. Stones
The interior stones of the earth, absorb it and emit a specific energy vibration that the person who has the ability to influence. Perhaps for this reason some stones mascots more real owners. But such a guardian is pretty tough, usually a person comes in and "custom location" stone, crystal that is one of the symptoms good luck. There is an entire philosophy explains the effect of the different stones the sign of a person, an element, and even Eye Color. To believe or not to believe everyone, but perhaps no woman that wants a good mascot.
9. Honey
Honey is known about the usefulness of each person, then, is an amazing feature of honey, are all known to bring good luck. Almost every tale of us tips on this subject, which has Magical properties of honey acts as a celebration drink. Yes, and there's a good reason "just like honey-stained about" we want a lot in return. Yes honey uses many rituals to attract prosperity. This delicacy brought home a cake to feed them lucky you. To do this, a saucer-patterned gold pour, or the hot stove and put honey on the table. You will see very soon in this house, everything was going well, and things are resolved for you with great success. Meanwhile, the lightning flashed and the honey poured on a plate — don't be mad at him, just said he wanted a cake. Patiently wipe and pour honey all over again.
10. Portrait of Gypsy
Why luck talismans storm this picture the most ambiguous comment. A picture of himself it's not a masterpiece, this is a portrait of an ordinary girl as she gave a glance at a black eye. But this is an amazing feature at a glance, it brings happiness and at the same time the owner of the haunted in the business for 150 years. The picture belongs to the family of Carbon, like all success, he was just a portrait. Someone won one of the cards, it became a successful businessman and, even after all this kind of women was the Mother of pre-diagnosis is a cause of infertility. The difference is that this "feature" picture, just an acquaintance of the family members began to reproductions Carbon improving later life. Interestingly enough, American Newspapers quoted in this portrait, steel quite successful, for example, the Daily News. In the Soviet Union in the late 80s and then in this picture I learned how in a portrait appeared in the newspaper "Kuban news". Coincidence or not, but still the newspapers are published here, then how her more successful competitors are already closed.
The most interesting thing, talisman, lucky and anything that can be. Even small street on a selected puppy. An important thing here because it's not, so avoid that as you have chosen for yourself, how to think about what about it attitude or animal. Why animal? They are exactly what bring us happiness and smile the fate of many people. This can be the normal and self-suggestion, but in each person's subconscious chooses for itself, it's a charm to him that you want. And you've already got?